The Mansfield Sunrise Rotary Club ended the year with a new raffle brought on by member Gregg Minter. Thanks to Gregg for donating this wonderful piece of furniture. |
EndPolioNow eventsLocal Rotary districts participate in two events to raise money to fight polio. |
Dictionary distributionRotary Club distributes dictionaries to all 3rd graders in MISD.
Attracting New Members to Rotary....from Clubrunner websiteLet's face it - attracting members to join a service organization is not an easy task. In fact, oftentimes, we see that even though the majority of people are aware of Rotary, only a few know what Rotarians actually do. The prospective members that we try and recruit are often our friends, colleagues or family members. These are people that are easy to recruit because you share a personal relationship with them and can easily explain the work of Rotarians to them.
The question then arises, how do we attract those outside of our personal radar to Rotary? How do we attract the younger generation to become Rotarians? Essentially, it is about publicity.
There are many ways we can attract new members or at least generate interest about Rotary. To generate interest, we have to spread awareness amongst our audience by utilizing the channels they use. Essentially, we always want to be where our audience is. By targeting people outside of our personal radar, we have the opportunity to reach a wider audience, which if done effectively, can help clubs reach their membership goals sooner. |
Pearl Harbor DayThis is a historical website for the education of the Pearl Harbor attack.
Motivation for the Week"Duty makes us do things well, but love makes us do them beautifully."
Business Quote of the Week"Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship" -
New member welcome |
Summer Reading ProgramRotary assists with Mansfield Community Summer Reading Program
Veterans Day Nov 11th |
Starting a Rotary Literacy Project |
President's Monthly: September Edition |